Drawing from Di Camillo’s experience, we offer a wide range of water and fuel tanks, as well as specialized products as wastewater treatment plants (including car wash water treatment plants, first rainwater treatment plants, phytodepuration systems, water lifting stations, gravitational oil separators, and secondary treatment systems compliant with Table 4 standards).

Di Camillo provides a comprehensive selection of approved fuel and diesel tanks (compliant with UN EN 12285-2 standards), available in single or double chamber, horizontal or vertical configurations, suitable for underground installation or for use with gensets. Our catalog also includes mobile fuel tanks that are exempt from ADR regulations, AdBlue tanks, waste oil tanks, and safety basins.

Additionally, we offer polyethylene, galvanized, and stainless steel water tanks (available in horizontal, vertical, rectangular, and custom designs), for both underground and above-ground installation. To meet all storage needs, Di Camillo also supplies PED-certified autoclaves and compressed air tanks, thermal accumulators, hot water boilers, and combined thermal storage tanks.


Phytopharmaceutical cabinets
Armadi Fitofarmaci - Particolare

Cabinets for plant protection products

Cabinets for phytopharmaceuticals in galvanized plate painted green RAL 6018, certified and equipped with perforated shelves, lower collection tray and door with 2 doors with padlock closure. The cabinets for…

Approved diesel tanks
Serbatoi Gasolio Omologati vasca 110%

Diesel tanks

Diesel tanks with basin containment homologated in accordance to reference rules. The fuel tanks have capacities ranging from 490 liters to 9000 liters, with measures of 490 liters, 1,000 liters,…

Vertical Double wall Diesel Tanks
Serbatoi Gasolio Omologati Doppia Camera Verticali - Cube

Vertical double wall diesel tanks

Diesel tanks homologated double chamber with vertical axis of capacity between 990 and 9,000 liters. The homologated double vertical chamber fuel tanks are equipped with a double wall made entirely…

Diesel transport tanks with tools carrier
Serbatoi Trasporto Gasolio Con Avvolgitubo

Mobile diesel tanks

Our mobile diesel tanks are certified by the ADR inspectors in acccordance with ADR 2017, for the transport of flammable liquids by road. These mobile tanks allow the transport throughout…

Diesel transport tanks for tools
Serbatoi Trasporto Gasolio Porta Attrezzi - Particolare 1

Transportable diesel tanks with door tools

Dieselbox & Tools fuel tanks with tool box are special tanks designed for working vehicles in total ADR exemption according to paragraph C and allow the transport of diesel…

Pickup diesel transport tanks
Serbatoi omologati Trasporto Gasolio Pickup - Particolare

Pick-up mobile tanks

Diesel transportable tanks for pick-up Dieselbox model are ADR certified tanks with total exemption according to paragraph C, have a capacity of 440 liters and are designed to be…

Fuel Transport Tanks
Serbatoi Trasporto Carburante Carrello

Mobile fuel tanks

Aluminum fuel transport tanks certified by the CPABS according to ADR 2017, for the road transport of flammable liquids without the need of vehicles or ADR licenses. From 80 liters…

Diesel Tanks for Gensets
Serbatoi Gasolio Per Gruppi Elettrogeni Frontale

diesel tank for genset

The diesel tanks for genset and heating systems comply with the DM. 22 November 2017 of the Ministry of the Interior. Designed and manufactured for storage and supply of generators…

UN EN 12285-2 Diesel Tanks Detail
Serbatoi Gasolio UN EN 12285-2 Particolare

EN 12285-2 diesel tank

EN 12285-2 horizontal cylindrical fuel tanks, manufactured in accordance with the standard – 2 – class A, produced with steel sheets and dished ends in carbon steel type S235JR ….

Single chamber approved underground diesel tanks
Serbatoi Interrati Gasolio Attacchi

Underground diesel tanks

Underground diesel tanks for diesel made of carbon steel S 235 JR, welded entirely to MIG and externally with procedure submerged arc, tarred externally. Tank capacities range from a minimum…

Leaf Filter Wells
Pozzetti Prelievo Fiscale


Polyethylene wells have a vertical development and are widely used in the field of wastewater purification. The exhaust well, which is installed downstream of a plant, allows an optimal waste…

Water Lifting Stations
Stazioni Di Sollevamento Acque In Polietilene

Waste water lifting station

Water lifting stations are containers that aim to deliver water from a lower share than the final delivery.  There are water relaunching stations intended to revive clear water and not…

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