All containers must be filled with clean water before they can be operated. Then it will be necessary to act on the ball valve to adjust the water flow. The flow rate must be modulated according to the system’s plate data. At this point it will be necessary to act on the blower starting from the timer. The correct setting is operation for the first 2 months with 3 consecutive hours ignition interspersed with an hour break. This operation must be maintained throughout the day and for the next 2 months. In the event that 1 month has elapsed, the car wash purifier should not be activated, the bioactivators must be inserted.
from 10 car up to 50/day |
lifting station/charcoal and quartzite filters |
for sewer or recirculation both underground and above ground |
Video |
The car wash purification plants are sized according to the number of cars or trucks to be washed daily and the final delivery. The wastewater from car washes is rich in oils and surfactants for this reason they need to be treated before arriving in the sewer or on a water course. These self-washing plants can be underground or above ground, in particular the self-washing plants underground can be for discharge, respectively, in sewer, water course or ground or reuse of sewage. The sewage treatment plants for outdoor installation are intended for the treatment of a maximum of 100 cars per day or an equivalent of 20 trucks/ day and delivery can be either in public sewage or returned to the plant itself. In the case of reuse of waste water, it will be necessary to insert downstream a filtration plant with quartzite and activated carbon.
For all the following scheme applies: sand remover, deoliator, anaerobic percolator filter and possible treatment of quartzite and activated carbon filtration if the delivery into the soil or there is water recirculation. In this case the system is of the closed circuit type.
The car-washing sewage treatment plants allow you to treat the car-washing wastewater and deliver it directly to the sewer through a sequence of sand remover, de-oiler and aerobic percolator filter.
The sewage treatment plants autolavaggi for discharge in the course of water allow to enter the sewage treatment treatment followed by the sewage on the water course. To do this compared to the classic purification plants autolavaggi composed of sand remover, deoliator and aerated percolator filter is also added an anaerobic percolator. The choice of auto-wash plants derives from the number of cars presumed to be washed per day and the type of final delivery: sewer, water course, or recirculation.
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Start-up of the water treatment plant
Generally vertical development with corrugated surfaces in the case of burial. The above ground purifiers have, instead, smooth surfaces and are mounted on skid. In the latter case, among the accessories, it is possible to provide a lifting pump that reintroduces water from the grids to the surface where the deoliator is located.
Capacities and dimension
- Purifier for car washing up to 10 cars/days for sewer discharge of dimensions [width 67 cm. x length 167 cm. x 130 cm. height] cod. IAL10-03 F
- Purifier for car washing up to 20 cars/days for sewer discharge of dimensions [width 95 cm. x length 229 cm. x 160 cm. height] cod. IAL20-06 F
- Purifier for car washing up to 30 cars/days for sewer discharge of dimensions [width 130 cm. x length 270 cm. x 1.85 cm. height] cod. IAL30-10 F
- Purifier for car washing up to 50 cars/days for sewer discharge of dimensions [width 150 cm. x length 300 cm. x 194 cm. height] cod. IAL50-16 F
Aboveground version
The types of plant are divided into above ground and underground and are divided into plants with delivery in sewer and recirculation systems and into the soil or with discharge inwater course.
TYPE ABOVE GROUND WITH DELIVERY IN SEWER from 10 CARS/ days up to 50 cars/ days
IALI10-03F from 10 cars/days up to IALI 50-16F from 50 cars/days. with delivery in sewer. Also available 20 and 30 cars/days.
TYPE ABOVE GROUND WITH DELIVERY INTO THE SOIL or water recirculation from 10 cars/ days up to 50 cars/ days
IALI10-03RI from 10 cars/ days with recirculation up to IALI 50-16RI from 50 cars/ days. Also available version from 20 and 30 cars/ days.
Underground version
The types of plant are divided into above ground and underground and are divided into plants with delivery in sewer and recirculation systems and into the soil.
UNDERGROUND TYPE WITH WATER RECIRCULATION from 10 cars/ days up to 100 cars/ days
IALI200F from 10 cars/days and IALI2300F from 100 cars/days. with delivery in sewer. Also available version from 20, from 30-50 and 80 cars/days.
TYPE UNDERGROUND WITH recirculation from 10 cars/ days up to 100 cars/ days
IALI200RI from 10 cars/ days and IALI2300RI from 100 cars/ days. with water recirculation. Also available 20, 30-50 and 80 cars/ days.
Plant start-up system
Cod. ASS_DEPUR Assistance for the installation and start-up of the car wash purifier by setting up the system by means of a specialized technician. Instruction of the workers and optimization of maintenance costs. The service is provided by telephone appointment. The duration of the procedure is 6 hours
- Compliance according to UNI-EN 858-1 and sizing according to D.lvo 152/2006
- Manual of use and maintenance
- 2 year warranty
How can I maintain my car wash water purifier?
Once a year, the sludge that forms in the different pools must be eliminated
How can the tanks be installed for the car wash purification ?
Both underground and allow the washing of 100 cars/ days and above ground allowing washing up to 50 cars/ days
Can I reuse the water from my car wash plant?
Yes, at the exit of the plant the water follows a further filtration process through activated carbon and quartzite filter columns
Are there purification systems for truck washing ?
You can wash trucks obviously the plant must be sized appropriately. This means that the car washed truck day ratio is 4 to 1. That is 1 truck washed per day corresponds to 4 cars
How is the car wash treatment system serviced?
Car wash purifier assistance is provided in different methodologies. The first is free telephone assistance while the others are paid and require the presence of specialized personnel on site.
How do I start the car wash cleaner?
Before starting the wash, the purifier must be filled in each tank with clean water. From that moment on the water to be purified will be filled with oils, surfactants. After 1 month it must be checked that each container retains the part of polluted waste. Surfactants, oils and hydrocarbons etc.
Can I install a purifier that is certified for discharge into the sewer without having obtained the authorization to discharge ?
No it is not possible unless the water is discharged and then the water is reused with a system that includes quartzite filters and activated carbon