22 March 2024

Waste oil tanks: regulations, solutions and procedures for sustainable management


serbatoi per olio esausto

The conscious management and treatment of used oils is a procedure of primary importance within industrial production processes. Not only to prevent mineral oils (such as car oil) or food oils from dispersing into the environment: the process of disposing of used oils is also the subject of careful regulatory regulation, which treats them as “special waste“. due to their highly polluting nature, and which prescribes very precise rules on the types of tanks and the correct procedures for the disposal and recycling of used oils.

Regulations on waste oil tanks

Used oil is fully classified as dangerous waste: a single liter of oil released into the environment can pollute even millions of liters of water. Furthermore, if correctly disposed of, the oil can be regenerated, to regain characteristics very similar to those of the original lubricant. This is why Italian legislation is particularly stringent in this regard, and over the years has gradually codified various aspects of the treatment and recycling of used oils.

Legislative Decree 27 January 1992, n. 95, “Regulations relating to the disposal of waste oils” is the main reference regulation in the treatment of waste oils. It provides for the obligation, for industrial companies and all those who produce more than 300 liters of used oil per year, to

  • Store used oils appropriately, preventing emulsions and actual oils from mixing, dispersing into the environment or becoming contaminated with other substances.
  • Do not mix waste oils with a variety of harmful toxic substances
  • Transfer the used oils to the National Consortium for the Management, Collection and Treatment of Used Mineral Oils, directly or through a dealer, upon reimbursement of the disposal costs and together with a series of data relating to the origin and use that it is made of oil.

Ministerial Decree 16 May 1996, n. 392 and the characteristics of waste oil storage systems

The second reference legislation for the treatment of used oils is the Ministerial Decree of 16 May 1996, n. 392, which defines among others the specific characteristics of waste oil tanks, so as to guarantee the correct treatment of the oils. There are two common types:

  • Polyethylene tanks are practical, light and easy to handle. According to the legislation, they must have vertical development and double chamber for greater safety. Furthermore, to be compliant, they must be resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents. To facilitate management operations, polyethylene tanks for used oil must be equipped with an upper manhole, internal safety tray, level indicator and external warning light for monitoring leaks.
  • A second possibility is carbon steel tanks. These must be made with the highest quality materials, with a horizontal axis, and also have a safety tank. The advantage of carbon steel waste oil tanks is the greater storage capacity, not to mention that they may be specifically required by some local regulations or industrial standards, and be recommended depending on the environmental characteristics (for example, in environments exposed to aggressive atmospheric conditions). However, carbon steel waste oil tanks must also be equipped with a manhole, drain net, filters and mechanical level indicator.

Di Camillo tanks for the storage of used oils

For over sixty years, Di Camillo Serbatoi has specialized in the production and construction of approved tanks and cisterns for fuel, diesel and for the recovery of used oils. Di Camillo produces both polyethylene tanks in various sizes and more specific carbon steel tanks for the containment of used oils.

Di Camillo waste oil tanks comply with all the safety requirements established by the Ministerial Decree. 05/16/1996. In fact, they are made only of the highest quality carbon steel, painted externally with two layers of two-component epoxy primer, then another two layers of two-component glossy polyurethane finish.

The Di Camillo carbon steel cisterns and waste oil tanks are also equipped with two couplings, one for loading, diam. 320, with an internal grid to allow the filters to drip, and the other 2 ½ with a cap for sampling of used oils. Di Camillo also creates two versions of carbon steel tanks for used oil: one specific for the storage of used oils indoors (code SROEI), the other for the storage of used oils outdoors (code SROEE) with lid with gas pistons for lifting.

For your waste oil storage needs, therefore, rely on Di Camillo’s experience: our highly qualified technical staff will be able to help you identify the best tanks for all your needs in the sector of tanks and cisterns for oils, fuels and water. Not to mention that our technical department can create customized horizontal waste oil tanks for you, in different sizes from 1000 up to 5000 litres